The UK’s leading specialist education provider has launched a hybrid bespoke learning solution designed to help learners who struggle to attend school consistently to re-engage with education and gain qualifications.
Keys, part of Keys Group, operates specialist schools across England and Wales, offering places for children and young people with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties.
Now, Keys has launched ALFA (Alternative Learning for All), a unique hybrid and bespoke learning solution designed to help those who struggle to attend school on a regular basis to re-engage with learning.
Mitchell Rose, Head of Alternative Learning for All (ALFA), explained: “ALFA is an innovative, hybrid learning solution tailored to help children who face challenges in engaging with traditional education.
“Whether through online lessons or in-person activities, ALFA adapts to each learner’s unique needs, helping them rediscover the joy of learning.”
ALFA offers learners a bespoke programme that includes vocational learning, tutor-led sessions, adventurous activities, enrichment opportunities, or a hybrid mix of all.
Mitchell added: “For more than 28 years, our specialist schools have helped young people to re-engage with learning and gain the confidence and qualifications they need to take their next steps and achieve their goals.
“In recent years, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number of children struggling to access education and attend school regularly, sometimes even in highly specialised settings such as ours. COVID-19 and the challenges it brought have undoubtedly played a part in some children feeling that attending school is not possible for them, leaving them overwhelmed.
“With increasing numbers of children struggling to access education due to emotional, physical, or mental health challenges, school avoidance, or repeated exclusions, it was clear that something had to change. That’s why ALFA was developed—to provide an inclusive, flexible learning option for every child and to re-engage them back into an appropriate education environment.
“To help all learners access education in a way that meets their needs, ALFA offers a hybrid and highly bespoke approach to learning. This unique model can help meet the needs of any learner struggling to engage with education, no matter the challenges they face.”
The aim of ALFA is to be fully inclusive and support all learners in enjoying education and receiving the learning experience they deserve. By creating a bespoke and individually tailored curriculum, an ALFA timetable includes online teaching and learning combined with in-person sessions, with the ultimate goal of helping the child transition back to a more traditional form of education over time.
Mitchell continued: “ALFA is a widely accessible learning platform offering a flexible style of teaching and learning that revolves around the child, incorporating their abilities and interests.
“The aim is to carefully reintroduce learning to those who have been out of education for extended periods. The timetable is entirely bespoke for each young person, reflecting their abilities and interests. It combines different elements of online-based learning (supported by a tutor) and in-person tutor time.
“Depending on the child, there will be opportunities to include adventurous activities such as climbing, water sports, mountain biking, and others, all supervised by highly qualified and experienced instructors. These activities can lead to recognised qualifications. Alternative provision and enrichment activities will also form part of the timetable, tailored to the child’s specific needs.
“ALFA offers a short- to medium-term solution to help children re-engage with learning and build confidence. Children will work towards qualifications with the longer-term aim of supporting their return to school-based learning at a pace that suits them.”
As part of ALFA, each child is supported at all times by a trauma-informed team, with localised educational and therapeutic support available as needed. Young people and those working with them can also access support from Keys’ in-house clinical team, including specialist advisors.
Children can be referred to ALFA by local authorities, schools, academies, educational providers, children’s homes, parents, and families. Places can also be privately funded, and an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) is not required.